The Vagina Monologues
Written By Eve Ensler
Directed by Bethan Dear
Costume by Alice Alia
Stage Managed by Jess Herman
Sound and Lighting by Dan Gifford
Performed by members of the local community @
Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth and The Magic Lantern Cinema Tywyn, March 2019.
"We were worried what we think about vaginas, and even more worried that we don’t think about them. We were worried about our own vaginas. They needed a context of other vaginas — a community, a culture of vaginas..."
This revolutionary play is staged in numerous
countries worldwide every year, as part of V-Day - the global movement to end violence against all women and girls (cisgender, transgender, and those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender based violence).
​ ~ "Until The Violence Ends"
Performed on International Women's day as a fundraiser for the organisations New Pathways and West Wales Domestic Abuse Service.